The Lazarillo Phenomenon: Essays on the Adventures of a Classic Text [Hardcover]

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  • Category: Books (Literary Criticism)
  • ISBN-10:  1611483484
  • ISBN-10:  1611483484
  • ISBN-13:  9781611483482
  • ISBN-13:  9781611483482
  • Publisher:  Bucknell University Press
  • Publisher:  Bucknell University Press
  • Pages:  202
  • Pages:  202
  • Binding:  Hardcover
  • Binding:  Hardcover
  • Pub Date:  01-May-2010
  • Pub Date:  01-May-2010
  • SKU:  1611483484-11-SPLV
  • SKU:  1611483484-11-SPLV
  • Item ID: 100127700
  • List Price: $105.00
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These nine intelligent, well-argued essays on Lazarillo de Tormes (1554)an anonymously written work generally acknowledged as the first picaresque narrative and posited by some scholars as the first modern novelfocus on subjects ranging from the internal structure of the text to its representation of the politics of social status to the implications of its early circulation....A welcome addition....Recommended.Scholars of Spanish literature offer new perspectives on the anonymous picaresque novel , first published in 1555 and considered one of the literary treasures of Spain's Golden Age. They discuss reframing studies; publicity and fictionality; the importance of post-publication history; the Spanish Inquisition and the battle for ; the alimentary code in the novel; the secret library of Barcarrota; the women; the odyssey of and the secular state of mind; and style, diction, and content. Quotations are in Spanish followed by English translation.I find Pereiras elaborations refreshing as he brings to bear the distinctness of public, private, and particular and their respective roles in Spanish culture of the wider period.The Lazarillo Phenomenon addresses a fundamental question in Hispanic Studies, why do we continue studying La Vida de Lazarillo de Tormes? As a classic literary text, Lazarillo's destiny depends on the relations it establishes over time with individuals and institutions responsible for literary, commercial, and ideological matters. This book brings together nine literary scholars from different critical approaches who address this question and reconsider the state of Lazarillo studies.The Lazarillo Phenomenon addresses a fundamental question in Hispanic Studies, why do we continue studying La Vida de Lazarillo de Tormes? As a classic literary text, Lazarillo's destiny depends on the relations it establishes over time with individuals and institutions responsible for literary, commercial, and ideological matters. This book brings together nine l³*

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