Indias leading public intellectual, Shashi Tharoor, lays out Hinduism's origins and its key philosophical concepts, major texts and everyday Hindu beliefs and practices, from worship to pilgrimage to caste. He is unsparing in his criticism of extremism and unequivocal in his belief that what makes India a distinctive nation with a unique culture will be imperiled if Hindu fundamentaliststhe proponents of Hindutva, or politicized Hinduismseize the high ground. In his view, it is precisely because Hindus form the majority that India has survived as a plural, secular democracy.
A book that will be read and debated now and in the future,Why I Am a Hindu, written in Tharoor's captivating prose, is a profound re-examination of Hinduism, one of the world's oldest and greatest religious traditions.
Praise forInglorious Empire:
Tharoor convincingly demolishes some of the more persistent myths about Britains supposedly civilizing mission in India.
Praise forInglorious Empire:
A timely reminder of the need to start teaching unromanticized colonial history in British schools. A welcome antidote to the nauseating righteousness and condescension peddled by Niall Ferguson in his 2003 bookEmpire.
Praise forInglorious Empire:
Those Brits who speak confidently about how Britains historical and cultural ties to India will make it easy to strike a great new trade deal should read Mr Tharoors book. It would help them to see the world through the eyes of the&countries once colonized or defeated by Britain.
- National TV and radio campaign
- 3 city author tour: Houston TX, Dallas TX, and New York NY.
[An] important book: it is about the dangers that lie in Indias future as well as the woes and glories of the past&one of Indias most articulate liberals and a leading voice of those who reject the aggressilăJ