20 Years of G20: From Global Cooperation to B...
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A Fragile Balance: Emergency Savings and Liqu...
A Generalized Theory of International Trade [...
A History of Organizational Change: The case...
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Activation and Labour Market Reforms in Europ...
Adam Smith in Toulouse and Occitania: The Unk...
Advanced Mathematical Methods for Economic Ef...
Advanced Negotiation Techniques [Paperback]
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African Development and Public Policy [Paperb
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Business Ethics and Digitization [Paperback]
Business Guide for Strategic Management: 50 T...
Business Models in the Area of Logistics: In...
Business Processes: An Archival Science Appro...
CEO-Reputation fr KMU: Mit fnf Erfolgsfaktore...
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Chinesische Redeendungen, Sprichrter, Slang...
Comparative Entrepreneurship Initiatives: Stu...
Computergesttzte Fertigungsirtschaft: Die Au...
Consulting Governance: Strukturen, Prozesse u...
Consumption Behaviour and Social Responsibili...
Contemporary Logistics in China: 20 Years of...
Controlling fr Unternehmen in schrumpfenden M...
Controlling von Projekten: Mit konkreten Beis...
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Corporate Real Estate Management [Paperback]
Creating and Sustaining Competitive Advantage...
Creativity and Strategy: An Integrative Analy...
Credit-Risk Modelling: Theoretical Foundation...
Crisis and Change in the Japanese Financial S...
Critical Perspectives in Management Control [...
Crod-Based Business Models: Using Collective...
Crodfunding in Europe: State of the Art in T...
Cultural Commons and Urban Dynamics: A Multid...
Current Trends in Economics: Theory and Appli...
Customer Behaviour in eCommerce: Case Studies...
Customer Engagement in Theory and Practice: A...
Customer Experience Management in Business-to...
Customer Relationship Management: Organizatio...
Customization-Oriented Design of Product-Serv...
Cybersecurity in China: The Next Wave [Paperb
DSL versus Kabel: Informationsexternalitten a...
Das Bankesen der europischen Volksdemokratie...
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Das Silber-Problem [Paperback]
Data Governance and Compliance: Evolving to O...
Demand Response Application in Smart Grids: O...
Der Einfluss des Internets auf die Unternehme...
Der Naturissenschaftler als Unternehmer: Grn...
Der Personalkredit: Erscheinungsformen und i...
Der preuische Staat [Paperback]
Design and Control of Workflo Processes: Bus...
Designing the Music Business: Design Culture,...
Developing Multicultural Leaders: The Journey...
Developments in Chinese Entrepreneurship: Key...
Die Electronic Mall im internetbasierten Hand...
Die Entsorgungsquote und Marktmacht auf dem E...
Die Erfolgsirkung von Effectuation im Kontex...
Die Lead-Markt-Strategie: Das Geheimnis elt...
Die Markenertmessung als Grundlage Strategis...
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Die Organisation des kommunalen Veraltungsbe...
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Die Zukunft der Dienstleistungskonomie: Momen...
Die Zukunft sieht alt aus: Herausforderungen...
Die allgemeine Theorie der Kaufentscheidung:...
Die industrielle Produktivitt in neuerer Sich...
Digital and Strategic Innovation for Alpine H...
Digitalisierung und Smart Building: Ein kriti...
Digitalization and Big Data for Resilience an...
Directors Dealings am deutschen Aktienmarkt:...
Dividendenpolitik der Volks- und Raiffeisenba...
Doing Business In Ghana: Challenges and Oppor...
Drivers of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and R...
Due Diligence in der Praxis: Risiken minimier...
Dynamic Directors: Aligning Board Structure f...
Dynamic Models of Advertising Competition [Pa...
EDV-orientiertes Kosteninformationssystem: Fl...
Economic Groth and the Environment: An Empir...
Economic Incentives: Proceedings of a confere...
Economic Opening Up and Groth in Russia: Fin...
Economic Policies, Governance and the Ne Eco...
Economic Policy for Aging Societies [Paperbac
Economic Simulations in Sarm: Agent-Based Mo...
Economic and Social Development of the Southe...
Economics for a Civilized Society [Paperback]
Economics of European Crises and Emerging Mar...
Effectiveness of Enterprise Risk Management:...
Effizient Fhren: Mitarbeiter erfolgreich mach...
Einfhrung in die betriebsirtschaftliche Orga...
Einfhrung in die mathematischen Grundlagen de...
Emerging Issues in the Global Economy: 2017 I...
Enabling Enterprise Transformation: Business...
Endogenous Groth in Historical Perspective:...
Energy Audits: Theoretical Examination and Mo...
Entrepreneurship in Technology for ASEAN [Pap...
Entscheidungs- und Spieltheorie: Ein Lehrbuch...
Entscheidungsproze und Mitbestimmung: Ein Bei...
Environmental Accounting in Theory and Practi...
Erfolgreiche Transformation zum digitalen Cha...
Erfolgreicher Karrierestart: Die besten Initi...
Ergebnisse lngerfristiger Beobachtungen der E...
Erlsplanung und Erlskontrolle als Instrument...
Euro-Asian Management and Business I: Cross-b...
Europisches Pharmamarketing: Ein Leitfaden fr...
Even Convexity and Optimization: Handling Str...
Everyday Greed: Analysis and Appraisal [Paper
Evolutionary Microeconomics [Paperback]
Experiences of Emerging Economy Firms [Paperb
Explaining Metals Prices: Economic Analysis o...
Exploring Innovation in a Digital World: Cult...
Facets of Corporate Governance and Corporate...
Family Business Governance: Maximizing Family...
Family Business in Gulf Cooperation Council C...
Fashion Marketing in Emerging Economies Volum...
Fhren in schierigen Zeiten: Tools und Tipps...
Fhrung interdisziplinrer Teams: Ergebnisorien...
Fhrungsfrderndes Human Ressource Management:...
Financial Crisis Management and Democracy: Le...
Financial Crisis: The United States in the Ea...
Financial Cryptography: 8th International Con...
Financial Exclusion [Hardcover]
Financial Risk Management ith Bayesian Estim...
Financial System 2030: Digitalization, Nation...
Finanzen Defizit und Notenpresse 19141922: Re...
Finanzierungsleasing: Eine EDV-gesttzte Vorte...
Finanzmanagement in Non-Profit-Organisationen...
Firm Internal Innovation Contests: Work Envir...
Fiscal Policy in the European Union [Hardcove
Fostering Creativity and Innovation: Creating...
Fragile Finance: Debt, Speculation and Crisis...
Frauen in Fhrungspositionen: Eine lnderbergre...
Fundamentals of Softare Startups: Essential...
Gender and Development: The Japanese Experien...
Generische Architektursichten: Erzeugung und...
Gesamtheitliche Unternehmensfhrung fr Grnder:...
Gestaltung der Fhrung im Krankenhaus [Paperba
Gestaltung ffentlicher Veraltungen [Paperbac
Global Health and Development: Lo-Carbon Eco...
Global Markets and the Developing Economy [Pa...
Globalization and the South [Paperback]
Globalization in the Tenty-First Century: Co...
Globalization of Financial Markets: Causes of...
Great Minds in Regional Science: Volume 1 [Pa...
Green Human Resource Management: A Vie from...
Greening the Workplace: Theories, Methods, an...
Handbook on Optimal Groth 1: Discrete Time [...
Handbuch Beratungskompetenz: Mit bungen zur E...
Health Inequality and Development [Hardcover]
Henri Theils Contributions to Economics and E...
Herbert Scarf's Contributions to Economics, G...
Hierarchische Unternehmensplanung und Informa...
High Technology, Productivity and Netorks: A...
Hochschulen im Wandel: Enticklungsprozesse i...
Hotel-Marketing: Strategien Marketing-Mix P...
Hotelketten in Deutschland: Innovation Diffu...
Ho to Win Promotion [Paperback]
Humanistic Governance in Democratic Organizat...
Hybridization of MNE Subsidiaries: The Automo...
Hypnosystemische Perspektiven im Change Manag...
Images of the Future City: Time and Space For...
Immobilien Investment: Produkte Mrkte Strat...
Inbound-Marketing fr B2B-Unternehmen: Neukund...
Income and Wealth Distribution, Inequality an...
Industrial Applications of Soft Computing: Pa...
Industrialization and Chinas Rural Modernizat...
Industrielle Planungstechniken: Eine Einfhrun...
Industrielle Planungstechniken: Unternehmens-...
Industry 4.0: Exploring the Consequences of C...
Informational Entrepreneurship in a World it...
Innovation, Profit and the Common Good in Hig...
Innovative Analogien in der Praxis der Produk...
Innovative Tools for Business Coalitions in B...
Instrumente des Strategischen Controlling [Pa...
Intercity Transport and Climate Change: Strat...
Interkulturelle Kompetenzen im Human Resource...
International Accounting Harmonization: Adopt...
International Public Goods: Incentives, Measu...
Internationale Steuerlehre: Steuerplanung bei...
Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen II: Das...
Internet of Things for Facility Management: S...
Internet-Risiken: Versicherbarkeit und Altern...
Introduction to Buddhist Economics: The Relev...
Is the World Trade Organization Attractive En...
Issues in World Trade Policy: GATT at the Cro...
Jahresabschluprfung der Kapitalgesellschaften...
Japanese Corporate Transition in Time and Spa...
Jobsharing als CSR-Instrument zur Integration...
John Kenneth Galbraith and the Future of Econ...
Kauf, Miete und Leasing im Rating: Finanzieru...
Knoledge Matters: Technology, Innovation and...
Kompakt-Lexikon Steuerlehre und Wirtschaftspr...
Konflikte zischen Industrie und Handel: Empi...
Konfliktmanagement: Konflikte erkennen, analy...
Kooperation im Wettbeerb: Neue Formen und Ge...
Kooperation von Zentralcontrolling und Bereic...
Kooperationen an der elektronischen Bank-Kund...
Korean Entrepreneurship: The Foundation of th...
Korruption im Wirtschaftsleben: Eine betriebs...
Kosten senken mit CRM: Strategien, Methoden u...
Kraft- und Wrmeirtschaft in der Industrie: I...
Kreatives Prozessdesign: Konzepte und Methode...
Kundenorientierte Unternehmensfhrung: Kundenz...
Kundenertzentriertes Management: Value-to-Va...
Labor Income Share: Understanding the Drivers...
Labor Market Adjustments in the Pacific Basin...
Language in International Business: Developin...
La and Social Economics: Essays in Ethical V...
Leadership Teams: Developing and Sustaining H...
Leading Spiritually: Ten Effective Approaches...
Lean Management and Kaizen: Fundamentals from...
LebensErfolg: Wie Sie das Leben fhren, das zu...
Lectures on Inequality, Poverty and Welfare [...
Lives in Peril: Profit or Safety in the Globa...
Local Economies in Turmoil: The Effects of De...
Logistikorientiertes PPS-System: Konzeption,...
Lo Performer und schierige Mitarbeiter erfo...
Lsung von Transportaufgaben mit Hilfe von Con...
Major Companies of The Far East and Australas...
Making Sense of Work Through Collaborative St...
Management Accounting, Organizational Theory...
Management Ideas: A Short History of Business...
Management of Permanent Change [Hardcover]
Managing Complexity: Insights, Concepts, Appl...
Managing To Change?: British Workplaces and t...
Managing and Developing Communities, Festival...
Marketing Engineering: Das Praxis-Handbuch fr...
Marketing Tourism and Hospitality: Concepts a...
Marktforschung: Methodische Grundlagen und pr...
Marktrisiken: Portfoliotheorie und Risikomae...
Masterkurs IT-Controlling: Grundlagen und Pra...
Measuring Entrepreneurship: Building a Statis...
Mechanisms for Long-Term Innovation: Technolo...
Mehrstufige Marktsegmentierung zur Neukundena...
Messung der Dienstleistungsqualitt in komplex...
Mexico and the North American Free Trade Agre...
Mittelstandsanleihen: Ein Leitfaden fr die Pr...
Modeling Mineral and Energy Markets [Paperbac
Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applica...
Modern Survey Analysis: Using Python for Deep...
Monetizing Natural Gas in the Ne Ne Deal Ec...
Moral und knstliche Intelligenz im Marketing...
Motivate and Reard: Performance Appraisal an...
Multicriteria Analysis in Finance [Paperback]
Multinationals in Canada: Theory, Performance...
Multivariate Statistical Process Control: Pro...
National Building and Development Assistance...
Natur als gesellschaftliches Verhltnis: Zur K...
Negotiating Business Narratives: Fables of th...
Neue Ergebnisse der Existenzgrndungsforschung...
Neue Finanzdienstleistungen: Bankenmrkte im W...
Ne Product Development and Production Netor...
Ne Tools of Economic Dynamics [Paperback]
Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics, Finance and...
Nonlinear Oligopolies: Stability and Bifurcat...
Nuclear Poer and Public Policy: The Social a...
Occupation and Pay in Great Britain 190679 [P...
Occupational Health and Rehabilitation: Ne A...
Operational Sustainability in the Mining Indu...
Operations Research Proceedings: Selected Pap...
Optimale Neuproduktplanung: Entscheidungsmode...
Optimistic Marketing in Challenging Times: Se...
Organisation mobiler Arbeit: Der Einfluss von...
Organisationales Lernen und Digitalisierung:...
Organisations-Management in Dienstleistung un...
Organisationsprfung: Grundstze und Verfahren...
Organising Knoledge: Methods and Case Studie...
Organizational Communication and Technology i...
Organizational Learning and Technological Cha...
Origins of Shareholder Advocacy [Hardcover]
PPS-Systeme und organisatorische Vernderungen...
Patient Flo: Reducing Delay in Healthcare De...
Performance-Measurement-Systeme und der Fakto...
Persistent and Emerging Challenges to Develop...
Perspectives on Business Modelling: Understan...
Perspectives on the Indian Corporate Economy:...
Place Branding: Glocal, Virtual and Physical...
Policy Innovations for Affordable Housing In...
Policy and Governance of Science, Technology,...
Political Determinants of Income Inequality i...
Post Merger Integration von Logistikdienstlei...
Post-Materialist Business: Spiritual Value-Or...
Poverty Reduction for Inclusive Sustainable G...
Poer Tools: Management-, Beratungs- und Cont...
Praktikum der Finanzmathematik: Methoden und...
Praxishandbuch Projektmanagement: Strukturpln...
Privileg Pauschalbesteuerung in der Scheiz:...
Proceedings of the 1999 Academy of Marketing...
Productivity Based Management [Paperback]
Produktions-Management [Paperback]
Professional and Business Ethics Through Film...
Profilierung von Dienstleistungsmarken in ver...
Progress in Intercalation Research [Hardcover
Projektfinanzierung: Neue Institutionenlehre...
Public Expenditure, Management and Control: T...
Quantitative and Qualitative Factors that Lea...
Real and Financial Sectors in Post-Pandemic C...
Reale und mediale Produkterfahrungen: Analyse...
Redressing Historical Injustice: Self-Onersh...
Regelungsschrfe bei Rckstellungen: Normkonkre...
Regional Externalities [Hardcover]
Regional Science Matters: Studies Dedicated t...
Regionale Marketingbudgetierung: Anstze zur E...
Research on Chinas Market Economy Development...
Resolving the Climate Change Crisis: The Ecol...
Revenue Management aus der Kundenperspektive:...
Revenue Management in Manufacturing: State of...
Risk and Return in Asian Emerging Markets: A...
Ruhestand als Chance: Die spte Lebensphase en...
Russia and the World Trade Organization [Hard...
Schroders: Merchants & Bankers [Paperback
Schuldscheindarlehen als Mittel der Unternehm...
Scherbehindertenrecht in der Praxis: bersich...
Science, Technology and Innovation Ecosystem:...
Self-Leadership: Basics [Paperback]
Service Excellence als Impulsgeber: Strategie...
Shakespeare's Cultural Capital: His Economic...
Smart Management: Using Politics in Organisat...
Social Entrepreneurship, Social Business and...
Social Media Marketing and Customer-Based Bra...
Social-Responsive Balanced Scorecard: Wie Unt...
Softare Business: 11th International Confere...
Sovereign Risk and Financial Crises [Paperbac
Stckkostenrechnung: Praktischer Einsatz bei D...
Stellung und konomische Gestaltungskrfte der...
Storytelling mit Archetypen: Video-Geschichte...
Strategic Policy Interactions in a Monetary U...
Strategic and Tactical Asset Allocation: An I...
Strategies for Chinese Enterprises Going Glob...
Strategies of Multinationals in Central and E...
Strategische Bedeutung kulturabhngiger Konsum...
Strategische Frhaufklrung: Vorbereitung auf e...
Strategische Logik: Die Quellen der langfrist...
Strategischer Geschftseinheiten: Marktorienti...
Strategisches Management global: Unternehmen...
Strategy for Action I: The Logic and Context...
Strategy, Value and Risk: Industry Dynamics a...
Structured Finance: Techniques, Products and...
Successful Wine Marketing [Hardcover]
Succession Planning: Promoting Organizational...
Supply Chain Resilience: Reducing Vulnerabili...
Survival to Groth [Hardcover]
Sustainability in Innovation and Entrepreneur...
Suzhou Industrial Park: Sustainability, Innov...
Systems Thinking for Management Consultants:...
Systems and Innovation Research in Transition...
Tackling Unemployment [Hardcover]
Technik in der Literatur der frhen Moderne [P...
Technikpolitik angesichts der Umeltkatastrop...
Technologische Innovationen in Europa: Ordnun...
Technology, Groth, and the Labor Market [Har...
Television Goes Digital [Paperback]
Textbook of Computable General Equilibrium Mo...
The Agricultural Economics of the 21st Centur...
The Biological Bases of Economic Behaviour: A...
The Business Cycle: Theories and Evidence: Pr...
The Business of Electronics: A Concise Histor...
The Business of Sustainability: Building Indu...
The China Path to Economic Transition and Dev...
The Chinese Capital Market: Performance, Para...
The Competitiveness of Financial Institutions...
The Complexity of Tax Simplification: Experie...
The Curse of Natural Resources: A Development...
The Dilemma of Siting a High-Level Nuclear Wa...
The Distribution of Income and Wealth: Parame...
The Dual-Center Global Financial System: The...
The Dynamics of the Computer Industry: Modeli...
The Economics of Climate Change Policies: Mac...
The Economics of Public Procurement [Hardcove
The Economics of Transaction Costs: Theory, M...
The Economy of Kuait: Development and Role i...
The Evolution of Monetary Policy Strategies i...
The Failure of Economic Diplomacy: Britain, G...
The Future of Private Equity: Beyond the Mega...
The Grants Register 19951997 [Paperback]
The Great Change in the Regional Economy of C...
The Gypsy Economist: The Life and Times of Co...
The Human Face of Corporate Governance [Hardc
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The International Dimension of Entrepreneuria...
The International Payments and Monetary Syste...
The Internet of Things: Industrie 4.0 Unleash...
The Language of Managerialism: Organizational...
The Middle East Economies in Times of Transit...
The Modern Portuguese Economy in the Tentiet...
The Move to the Market?: Trade and Industry P...
The Neurology of Business: Implementing the V...
The Ne International Economic Order: Conflic...
The Ne Protectionist Wave [Hardcover]
The Ne Trend of Global Industrial Division o...
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The Origins of Asset Management from 1700 to...
The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Innovation...
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The Pre-Kernel as a Tractable Solution for Co...
The Rise of Asian Firms: Strengths and Strate...
The Rules of the Game in the Global Economy:...
The Security of Critical Infrastructures: Ris...
The Theory of the Marketing Firm: Responding...
The Thika Highay Improvement Project: Change...
The Tyranny of Uncertainty: A Ne Frameork t...
The Visible Hand: Synergetic Microfoundation...
The WTO Primer: Tracing Trades Visible Hand T...
Theory and Applications of Economic Indices:...
Time-Varying Netork Optimization [Hardcover]
Touristikmanagement 2: Qualitts-, Produkt-, P...
Trade in Services and Imperfect Competition:...
Transformation, Wachstum und Wettbeerb in Ru...
Transformational Human Resources Management i...
Transport Pricing of Electricity Netorks [Pa...
Transport and Logistics in a Globalizing Worl...
U.S. Trade Deficit: Causes, Consequences, and...
Umsetzungskompetenz als Erfolgsfaktor in Tour...
Unbeobachtbare Einflussgren in der strategisc...
Understanding Chinas Real Estate Markets: Dev...
Understanding Market Reforms in Latin America...
Universitre Prfungsplanung: Modelle, Methoden...
Unmasking Project Management: The Business Pe...
Unternehmensbeertung bei Akquisitionen: Meth...
Unternehmensbeertung fr substanzsteuerliche...
Unternehmensinternes M&A-Management: Orga...
Unternehmungsform und Verkaufspolitik der Str...
Untersuchung des Wissensererbs bei einem Unt...
Urban Agglomeration and Economic Groth [Pape...
Urban Transportation Planning in the United S...
Utility 4.0: Transformation vom Versorgungs-...
Value Creation in International Business: Vol...
Variantenfliefertigung [Paperback]
Vertragsgestaltung bei hybriden Leistungsange...
Vilfredo Pareto: An Intellectual Biography Vo...
Wettbeerbsvorteile durch Lieferantenintegrat...
Wilhelm Rpke (18991966): A Liberal Political...
Wirksamkeit von Fhrung und Selbstfhrung in ve...
Wirtschaftssthetik: Wie Unternehmen die Kunst...
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten im Wirtschaftsinf...
Wissenschaftstheorie und issenschaftliches A...
Wissensererb fr Forschung & Enticklung:...
Work Identity: A Neurophilosophical Perspect...
Work and Identity: Contemporary Perspectives...
Work-Life-Balance im Kontext von mitarbeiteru...
Worker Rights and Labor Standards in Asias Fo...
Zahlungsbereitschaftsmessung fr industrielle...
Ziele in Organisationen: Funktionen und quiva...
Zielgruppen im Konsumentenmarketing: Segmenti...
Zufriedenstellende und motivierende Fhrung au...
Zum Verhltnis von Markt und Individuum auf Fi...
Zusammenarbeit zischen Personal- und F&E...
Zischen Wirtschaftstheorie und Wirtschaftspo...
ko-effektive Produktenticklung: Grundlagen...
konomische Theorie der Sozialpolitik [Paperba
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