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Dutch Studies: An annual revie of the langua...
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Educational Change Amongst English Language C...
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English as a Lingua Franca in Migrants' Traum...
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Lernen als soziale Praxis im Internet: Objekt...
Lexicon Development for Speech and Language P...
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Linguistically Motivated Statistical Machine...
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Macmillan: A Publishing Tradition, 1843-1970...
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Mass Terms: Some Philosophical Problems [Hard...
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Ne Horizons in Chinese Linguistics [Paperbac
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Nes Values from an Audience Perspective [Har...
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Norm and Ideology in Spoken French: A Socioli...
Nurse Practitioners and the Performance of Pr...
Objects and Other Subjects: Grammatical Funct...
On Language [Paperback]
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Online Sex Talk and the Social World: Mediate...
Online-Lernen und Weiterbildung [Paperback]
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Organisationskommunikation von Max Weber zu N...
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Parameter Setting [Hardcover]
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Persuasion in Specialised Discourses [Paperba
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Plakatschrift [Paperback]
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Pluralities [Paperback]
Political Media Relations Online as an Elite...
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Politics & Rhetoric: Coming to Terms ith...
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Research and Advanced Technology for Digital...
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